Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy Friday!

We have softball tonight (hopefully it is warmer that it has been the past few nights--we had sand volleyball last night and FROZE!) then Mike has a baseball game tomorrow. The summer activites will be ending soon- what will we do with all our time?! :) Mike gave Colton his bath last night...
and also gave him a mohawk. A little excitement in the tub!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!! :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What we've been up to...

Whew...the long weekend got us! This past weekend was the Portsmouth Picnic and it was a busy and very long weekend! Friday night my friend,Rachel, from Des Moines came to have the whole Picnic experience. We had a slow pitch softball game and then came back to our house for a fire. Saturday a bunch of us played in a sand volleyball tourney all afternoon. My parents came down for the weekend to help out with the little guy. He loved watching the volleyball and was so good down there Saturday. Then Saturday night was the big dj and dance stuff- I was pretty much ready for bed at ten though :)
Sunday we went to Mike's baseball game and then back down to the picnic for the big auction. Like I said--long weekend, but we all had fun! :)
Someone is all lathered up with some sunscreen...check out that crazy hair! The grass is always greener on the other side...


Ohh...and one more thing Colton would like to throw in there...

Hope you have a great day Aunt Caryn!!!! :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Icee pops and Bath

Sucking on a frozen icee pop (he doesn't actually get the goods inside)
I walked into the living room to find them both having one just hanging out on the couch

Playing in the bath last night

Standing up

Someone has figured out how to pull himself up...

8 months

Sunday Colton turned 8 months old! He is crawling like crazy- he has the speed crawl down for sure! He also is pulling himself up on EVERYTHING...with that comes a few bumps and bruises- poor guy! He now has 4 teeth on the bottom, one on top and one just popped through on top. As far as weight- still around 22 lbs. (he probably is working some off since he is on the move so much!) He loves tumbling around with Mike now, they get lots of wrestling in....oh those crazy boys!
If you can't find Colton, look under the kitchen table. He tries to find whatever we missed on the floor and goes after the shoes by the door.

Baby boy just woke up so he has some sleepy eyes. Trying to crawl up my leg.

"ahhhhh let me up"

Betcha can't get of there yet...

haha mom...I bet I can!

but really...let me out...NOW

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Welcome Olivia!!

Monday, July 13th, one of my good friends- Ashley Adams and her husband, Tyler, welcomed their 2nd daughter, Olivia Jade into the world!
She graced everyone with her presence at 10:10 pm ringing in at 7 lbs 12 oz.
Tuesday Colton and I went with my other girl friends to visit the happy family. She is just adorable and so tiny to hold- seems like forever since Colton has been that tiny!!
Congrats Livy, Tyler and Addy on the new addition! :)

The proud momma of 2 girls now! :)


Saturday, July 11, 2009


Colton has perfected Dadada...

The other day when I was changing him I tried to get him to say Mama- instead he smiled at me and said, "Dadada!" I do have to admit it was pretty funny. Ahhh someday :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

No more inch worm

He is up on all 4's are a few videos of him this morning :)

Lots of Pictures

Here are a bunch of pictures from the past few days. I may have gotten a little picture happy :) He crawled under his toy and got stuck...I don't think he minded too much.
Don't let go!
Ready to get into something

Trying on his John Deere boots....

Look what I can do!

Loves playing in the kitchen
Ready to go to Dad's baseball game

Sucking on some frozen fruit- he LOVES this especially now w/all those teeth coming in!

Peek-a-boo! Whenever someone is sitting on the computer chair he comes up behind them and grabs their shirt or shorts and tries to pull himself up.

Just hanging out...loves his talking book!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Look what I can do!"

Someone was pretty proud of his accomplishment and kept wanting to show off.
The other morning when we went into get Colton, this is how we found him. Needless to say, the crib was lowered that night! He has began to pull himself up on EVERYTHING...and always wants to try to crawl up our legs now. He has a lot of energy that's for sure!! :)
We also had to switch to a new car seat since he met the weight limit on his old one. It's still a rear facing one but he will be able to use this one forward facing eventually. Lounging in the pool yesterday. His new favorite thing to do in the pool is to pull himself up on the side and try to bend over to get the grass. He loves grass-touching it, eating it...whatever :) All smiles this morning even though he is getting some teeth in. One has broken through on the top, 3 more are close to coming in and one has broken through on the bottom (to make 4 on the bottom). The little guy will be wanting some steak soon w/all those teeth!