Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Still loves his jumper...caught a few pictures yesterday of him playing. Check out those teeth!

Colton has eaten all the 1st stage foods and seems to like them all. The one that he may be a little iffy on is squash- but we will try again! With all the rain this past week, Mike has been around alot since they can't get in the fields so he is getting lots of Colton time in while they aren't busy! We are getting spoiled w/having him around so much :)

Happy Birthday to Great Grandma Elaine (Mike's Grandma) as today is her birthday!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Almost the weekend!

Mike just loves this shirt.... Little man is 5 months old! (He was on the 19th...I should have posted this a few days ago!)Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


With everything to play with on his play mat, who would have thought he would love to play with the tags the most?! :)

Showing off some of his chompers....


Colton is working on his THIRD tooth. The other day Mike was changing Colton and swore he saw another tooth coming in. I didn't believe him right away since Colton is only 5 months old and already has 2....but needless to say, Mike was right--I don't like telling him that too often :)! The little guy is drooling like crazy and biting anything he can get in contact with. I have heard from a few people to try giving him a frozen waffle to suck on. I was scared it would get too soggy and he would break off a piece- so I kept giving him a new one this morning when we tried it. He loved it! Here are a few pictures and a video of him chomping away :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend Fun

Kim and Julie came to visit Friday night for a little while and got to play with the little guy before his bedtime. Saturday morning I kept busy with a little inside cleaning while Colton played with his toys. It was raining Saturday, so Mike got off work early and was able to spend some time at home for awhile. He has started to get really busy at work. He usually goes in at 6:30 and comes home around 9:30, so we were both thankful for some rain so he could hang out with us for awhile!

We ended up heading to Council Bluffs Saturday night to eat and make a Target trip. Living here in Portsmouth- I miss Target being so close as it was in Des Moines!! We got some much needed things for the house and Colton liked riding around checking stuff all in all, it was a good trip!
Sunday we accomplished a lot of things outside since it was nice out. Mike mowed for the first time this year and we planted some flowers in pots around the yard and on the front porch. This is the first time we've tried planting anything here- so it will be interesting to see how they hold up! ;) After all the outside work was done, it was time for Colton's bath. He is starting to love his baths more and more, so I finally took some pictures that I posted below. By bedtime everyone was worn out from a busy weekend!

He tried peaches for the first time this morning. Think he liked them?? :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Friday!! :)

Showing off his teeth....he now has 2 on the bottom! (If you double click on the picture you can see them better)
Sitting and playing like a big boy with his baseball tee
Hope everyone has a good weekend and can enjoy some of the nice weather today!
70 degrees....YAY!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Well we found this website for bloggers and thought it may be easier to use than the shutterfly site we have been using so this will be it for now! :)

Colton has been trying to roll from his back to his tummy for a few days now and finally did it yesterday. Now every time I lay him on his back he rolls right over to his tummy. For some reason he won't roll tummy to back anymore- but I am sure he will get the hang of it all and be rolling everywhere soon...then it will be time to baby proof the house!! Here is the video I took of him rolling over.

As for his foods, we moved on to green beans today and he LOVED them. There hasn't been a food yet that he hasn't liked....he is his daddy's boy for sure!!

I took a few pictures of him playing in his crib the other day with the bear that Grandpa Ken and Grandma Kim gave him for Easter. It plays 'Take me out to the ballgame' and he loves listening to it, and of course trying to chew on it.