This past weekend, Colton and I headed to Marshalltown to visit my family since Mike was in the field all weekend.
My mom had to watch the Iowa game Saturday morning. She scared Colton once when she yelled at the TV.... he just looked at her and was like why are you yelling?! It was pretty funny....those of you that have watched an Iowa game with her know what I am talking about!
We headed to Menards to pick up a few things-Colton got to try on some Christmas antlers. He didn't like it so much...
Playing around with Uncle Josh
It was hard trying to get a picture of them both smiling- Colton kept trying to do his scrunch up face and Josh doesn't like smiling for pictures.
Kisses :)

Colton has a new found love for his Elmo dvd. It has the Sesame Street characters and little kids singing a bunch of kids songs- like itsy bitsy spider (his favorite) and on top of spaghetti. At first he didn't care too much about it- now he gets angry if I take it out. It is the only thing he shows interest in on the tv- and that is okay with me!
He has began dancing as he watches it now....I tried to get a video of it at my parents- it is pretty dark but hopefully you can see it! He just started swinging his arms the other day....who knows where he learned to dance?! :)
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