Colton had a great birthday!
He woke up around 6 to open presents and have his birthday muffin before Mike left for work at 6:30. He is fighting a cold so he wasn't too chipper but had fun anyways!

After the doctor we took Mike food in the field- Colton got excited to see daddy and his tractor. Then back for our lunch and afternoon nap.
Mike was lucky enough to get off work early (6:30) so he could come home and spend some time with the birthday boy. Colton was very excited he was there- he kept following him everywhere and got upset when he went to take a shower- he sure does miss him when Mike gets busy at work!!
Grandma and Grandpa Schneider came with Aunt Julie to help celebrate as well.
I think he approves! :) Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Schneider!!
One birthday celebration down, a few more to go!
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