Friday, November 20, 2009

Birthday Fun

Colton had a great birthday!
He woke up around 6 to open presents and have his birthday muffin before Mike left for work at 6:30. He is fighting a cold so he wasn't too chipper but had fun anyways!
Opening presents from Mom and Dad

That's really for me?! :)

We were showing him how to blow out the candle and he kept trying. Later in the day when I had him in his highchair for lunch I happened to light a candle on the table and go about making him lunch. He kept trying to blow out the big candle from across the room- at first I couldn't figure out what he was doing- but he was just showing that he knew what he was supposed to do when he saw a candle. It was so cute!
Blueberry muffins...YUM YUM

After his morning nap we headed back to the doctor's office to check on how his ears are doing after last week. One ear is back to normal and the other still has some fluid in it, but the doctor said that should go away with the medicine he is on. Which by the way, is extremely hard to give him- he spits it out no matter how I try to give it to him. I have mixed it with a few things and he is figuring out that it is in there- any advice??

After the doctor we took Mike food in the field- Colton got excited to see daddy and his tractor. Then back for our lunch and afternoon nap.
Mike was lucky enough to get off work early (6:30) so he could come home and spend some time with the birthday boy. Colton was very excited he was there- he kept following him everywhere and got upset when he went to take a shower- he sure does miss him when Mike gets busy at work!!
Grandma and Grandpa Schneider came with Aunt Julie to help celebrate as well.

Colton opening his presents- got some new pj's that are soft and cuddly :)

Opening his big gift..... every piece of paper he tore off he had to hand to Grandpa- it was funny. I'm okay with a tidy boy!!
Woohoo....his very own chair! I think that smile says it all...
He loved sitting in it and rocking, as well as sitting backwards.

I think he approves! :) Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Schneider!!

One birthday celebration down, a few more to go!

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