Today we went to the ear specialist to check on his ears since having the tubes put in a few weeks ago. Everything looked perfect--good news!! Hopefully things continue to go well and he stays healthy! :)
Our days have been pretty busy lately so sorry about my lacking on blogging- I've had lots of city stuff to get done and Colton has been busy playing with all his toys. It's so nice that he can keep himself occupied most of the time- either he is playing in his tent (he likes to drag all the balls out and then throw them all back in, as well as drag all his stuffed animals in there), playing with his tractors and trucks, playing with his barn and all the animals and his new favorite thing, Legos. He likes dumping them all out and then putting them all back in. At least he likes picking them up...for now! :) Another fascination of his is throwing around his basketball- he will throw it and then laugh and go get it. He gets so amused with this- he could do this forever it seems!

Mike gave Colton a bath...and a comb over.

This afternoon I was printing some stuff out for our city council meeting tonight and I happened to look over to Colton pushing his chair out from the wall. He proceeded to get in the chair with his was so cute!
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