Tomorrow Colton will be 9 months old. We go Friday for his 9 month check up - yay for no shots this time!
As far as what he is up to at 9 months- EVERYTHING! He is crawling like a pro and pulling himself up on everything. The only time he is still is when he is sleeping! He is a little copy cat as well. Anytime you cough or laugh, he does the same. He has found his voice- and shows off by screaming at the top of his lungs (we will be working on stopping that!!)
He loves hanging out at the front window and watching all the action outside. Anytime he is outside he gets so excited.
He is eating pretty much everything we do with a few exceptions. He loves pasta, cottage cheese, fruit of any kind and of course, his juice.
Haha not the greatest picture--but you can see his 4 top teeth here really well. Total teeth count at 9 months is 8.
His 'I'm gonna get you' face.

Playing with his basketball hoop...he finally can make it :)
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