Last week we ran into some computer problems so I haven't been able to blog lately, but we are back!
Here are a few pictures of Colton with his new pjs since it is getting cold out--37 here this morning..BRR!!!
"Mom- I just woke a picture necessary?"

Just a little rocking before bed

Lately if you say "Colton, where is your ball?" He crawls to wherever it is in the house and will bring it back to you. He loves playing with his big blue bouncy ball- rolling it back and forth and trying to throw it.

We brought this back from my parents house this weekend. He loves riding on it and pushing it around.
Since our computer was down- I haven't been able to post about him turning 10 months old( which was on the 19th). It is crazy to think we will be celebrating his 1st birthday in 2 months. He isn't walking yet- but is getting more brave and stands by himself a lot. Yesterday he actually took about 2 steps before tumbling down, but it is progress at least! :)

Just a little rocking before bed

Lately if you say "Colton, where is your ball?" He crawls to wherever it is in the house and will bring it back to you. He loves playing with his big blue bouncy ball- rolling it back and forth and trying to throw it.

We brought this back from my parents house this weekend. He loves riding on it and pushing it around.

Lastly- here is a video of him playing in the kitchen last night while I was getting supper ready- he loves emptying the pan cupboard and I heard this noise--looked down and he was blowing on the bottom of a frying pan. Ohh the little things in life... :)